About Me
My name is David and I’m generally shy and introverted. I work as a professional web developer and regularly play PC games in my free time, for example Beat Saber. I consider myself to be part of the broader furry community. I occasionally participate in related events to relax, or to hang out with friends. My personal favorite animal species are foxes, but I like canines in general, besides other four-legged creatures.
As is the case with many in said community, I'm also morally against the use of generative AI tools and prefer supporting independent artists instead, primarily from the furry fandom, in the form of purchasing commissions. These typically feature various characters, ranging from my own to friends’ or even the artists’.
Besides gaming, my favorite activities are listening to music as well as watching movies and series. You can find additional details about my preferences at the various links in the contact section below. While Hungarian is my native language I'm fluent in English and I consider myself a citizen of the European Union.
I like to meet new people and if it turns out we're on the same wavelength I'm happy to make new friends as well. If you're curious about me or my interests, you can reach me using the contact information at the bottom of this page. I do want to make it clear in no uncertain terms however, that am not looking for a relationship for the foreseeable future (for multiple reasons, none of which I would like to divulge here). If you're looking for a partner, please look elsewhere.
As a developer you simply cannot stay in the know with just what you learn in school or what you do at work. To that end, I like to work on some things in my spare time to keep my skills up-to-date and learn new things. Even though my time to devote to these projects is limited nowadays, I do enjoy returning to them every once in a while.

HammerTime Website & Discord Bot
The project was originally created to make it easier for me to use Discord's timestamp syntax for messages. It allows a point in time to be shown for people in their device's own timezone, making organizing international events on the platform easier.
Based on community feedback, a Discord bot was created which allows for similar functionality without needing to leave the Discord app itself.
Both the website and bot are available in multiple languages thanks to volunteer translators.

Bluetooth Heartrate for VRCOSC
I like to spend time with my friends in virtual reality, and by extension, tinkering with the various capabilities of the platform.
This project is a custom module for an existing application called VRCOSC that allows transmitting heart rate data from a standalone tracking device to your computer.
This data can then be used to change the virtual avatar's appearance, like showing the exact number, or making certain animations faster in response to a higher value.

Being a developer and a gamer, it only comes naturally that I would be interested in tinkering with my favourite games.
Of course, in today's highly connected world nothing is more important than sharing absolutely everything you do with your friends.
This is where bsrpc comes in, allowing you to display information about the currently played map in Beat Saber as your Discord activity (aka. Rich Presence).

BS Extra Color Presets
On the topic of game modding, this is yet another. This mod allows extending the default set of just a few custom color presets you can use in Beat Saber to practically infinite.
This mod was created based on a suggestion by one of my favorite Twitch streamers, with a lot of help and suggestions from the rest of the game's modding community, for which I am eternally grateful.

Beat Saber Stream Overlay
I also sometimes like to stream my gameplay, and I think having a unique overlay layout is one of the most important things that makes you stand out as a streamer.
After making the revelation that most streamers just use a browser source for many of their on-screen dynamic graphics, my fate was sealed.
I immediately began work on my own stream overlay which I have also open-sourced to provide others with a working solution in case they are interested in making their own.

Split/Second Localization
Split/Second is my favourite game to date, and during the 2020 pandemic me and my dad used to play together sometimes.
He does not understand English all that well, so I have created a localization for the game in our native language, which is now freely available for everyone to use, along with an open-source installer.
Thanks to other translation community volunteers, the accented characters are properly supported and it has been ported to XBOX 360 and PS3.
These are just the ones worth highlighting. If you are curious you can check out my GitHub profile for a full list of my open-source works.
GitHubMy Characters
I'm a proud owner of not one, but two different characters. Or, well, depends on how you define “different”. While their color schemes might be exactly the same and they might have very similar personality traits… Okay, fine, you caught me, they're basically a single character with two different forms, but these forms count as separate characters in my book.
Their name is Double Colon, but you can simply call them Disy. If you want to find out more about them I suggest you check out the reference sheet linked below. It will also explain the strange name choice if you are curious about the reasoning behind it.
Reference SheetContact & Social Media
Here you’ll find a list of websites and apps I have accounts on. If you need to get in touch with me use whichever one is closest to the top when possible.